AccessAva links for Legal Rights Hubs
You can get tailored and easy-to-understand expert legal support, including legal letters, to help you access health and social care with ease, speed and confidence.
Use AccessAva via the following links:
If you live in Croydon
Croydon BME Forum
An umbrella organisation for the Black and Minority Ethnic voluntary and community sector; engaging people, building capacity, and promoting equality and cohesion.
Croydon Mencap
A charity that supports parent carers of children and young people with any disability aged 0-25 and adults with a learning disability and their parents, carers and families.
If you live in Gloucestershire
Building Circles
A charity that enables adults with learning disabilities to live more active lives, with greater choice and opportunity.
Crossroads Care Gloucestershire
A charity that provides vital respite breaks to unpaid carers and individuals with care needs.
Inclusion Gloucestershire
A user-led charity for people with disabilities, that champions people of all ages, whatever their disability.

Our Hubs
Our legal rights hubs provide training, advice, casework and campaign work to empower people with health and social care needs to exercise their legal rights to access social care. They identify and bring together organisations, grassroot initiatives and residents to drive forward helpful local system change through raising awareness of common issues faced by people with lived experience.

“I had been asking the council for social care for one of my patients for over 6 months but got no reply. I used AccessAva to write a personalised letter using the right legal language, sent the letter to the council, and a social worker called me back on the same day to arrange an assessment! The family now have 12 hours of support each week and their wellbeing has dramatically improved. I highly recommend AccessAva.”
Saera (Social Prescriber)